
Science & Religion: Have your Cake & Eat it too.

 For most of my adult life, I have been baffled by the supposed dichotomy that exists between religion & science. Growing up in the "Bible Belt", I have come across many Christians who interpret the Bible very literally, assuming that if you don't believe that all biblical events actually occurred, you are a bit of a heretic.
     It is my belief that whether or not Adam & Eve actually ate an apple in the Garden of Eden is inconsequential. What matters, as with many other religious doctrines outside of Christianity, is that there are universal truths found through biblical study. You're missing the point if you insist on literal interpretation. What's important is that one is able to discern the message & apply it to one's own life.
     The view of the Bible & other religious texts from this standpoint allows us to consider the idea that science does not negate, but, in fact, validates our belief in a higher power. Science, specifically the Big Bang Theory & evolution/natural selection, does not negate the existence of a higher being because it actually makes sense that such magnificent feats were intelligently designed.
     Pope Francis gave me a sigh of relief when he articulated the same conclusion regarding science & creation. "The Big Bang, which today we hold to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the intervention of the divine creator but, rather, requires it. Evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve.” Pope Francis: God is Not a Magician

    There are days when I desperately need a God who is "a magician with a magic wand". It seems more rational to believe, however, in a God responsible for great scientific achievements that led to my very existence & yours. Thanks for reading!
Update & Lessons Learned: God can absolutely waive a magic wand. The power of prayer is so humbling. AMEN.