
The soul behind the song: “It is Well with my Soul.”

Many of us are very familiar with the hymn that has been sung in church for over 150 years: “It is Well with my Soul”. It wasn’t until a guest pastor revealed the story behind the lyrics that the power of the song really sank in my heart.

A man by the name of Horatio G. Spafford (1828-1888) resided in Chicago with his wife, Anna, & 5 children. He was a successful entrepreneur, lawyer & devout Christian, but he was no stranger to tragedy. He lost his son to pneumonia, &, later that same year, he lost most of his fortune in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. His real estate investments along Lake Michigan shoreline were lost in the fire.

In search of respite & renewal for a grieving family, he planned a European trip for the family, including Spafford, his wife & his 4 daughters. Due to last-minute business affairs, he sent his family traveling across the Atlantic, planning to follow behind them after a few days.

The wife & 4 daughters set sail aboard the Ville du Harve to cross the Atlantic into Great Britain. 4 days into the trip, the ship had a tragic collision with a Scottish ship, the Loch Earn. Within 12 minutes, the ship sank into the dark depths of the Atlantic with 226 passengers, including all 4 of Spafford’s children. His wife Anna, however, was  spared. She was found & rescued by a Scottish sailor while floating on some wreckage, arriving in Wales 9 days later. She sent her husband the following telegram: "Saved alone, what shall I do?"

Spafford booked the next available ship to join his grieving wife. About 4 days into the journey, the captain of the ship called him into his cabin. The captain informed Spafford that they were sailing over the location of the tragedy that took his 4 daughters' lives. It was during this time that he wrote these soulful lyrics:

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

The couple went on to have 3 more children & relocated to Jerusalem for the remainder of Spafford’s life. 

I included 2 versions of the song via YouTube that I love; I hope it stirs your soul with the same power that it does mine.